Monday, September 7, 2009

The Collapse of the USA is well underway

For at least a couple of years sharp-eyed people have been warning that the U.S. economy and very possibly its political system is on the verge of collapse. The list includes famous investors like Jim Rogers, Marc Faber and Peter Schiff. Then there were the social commentators and authors like James Howard Kunstler or Dmitry Orlov. There were even some University professors and ex-politicians in this camp. All this discourse appeared only on Fringe websites and few mainstream publications took them seriously. Now however, it has all gone mainstream. Inquiring minds are invited to check out the following articles:

China alarmed by US money printing

Barack Obama accused of making 'Depression' mistakes

Even Newsweek ran a special on collapsing California, which in reality is still better off than Michigan or Louisana.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sadism and Masochism

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First Post

I have created this blog to delve into issues that are rarely discussed in the mainstream media in the spirit of Bill Maher's original ABC show, Politically Incorrect and his current show, Real Time with Bill Maher. No subject will be off limits and will include the economy, peak oil, racism, fascism, culture, humour, the suburban fiasco, morals, religion, atheism, racial, cultural and sexual variations. My ultimate goal is to destroy Political Correctness and to openly discuss issues that are off limits because of their supposedly hurtful nature. I will link to important news items, videos and podcasts. My goal is to spur debate and comments are welcome.